Miles Per Gallon UK

A unit miles per gallon (UK) represents the distance traveled in miles per unit of fuel consumption, with the measurement based on the imperial gallon (approximately 4.546 liters). It's commonly used in the United Kingdom and some other countries following the imperial system. This unit is crucial for assessing the fuel efficiency of vehicles and transportation systems, providing a standard measure of how far a vehicle can travel per volume of fuel consumed. Whether evaluating the environmental impact of automobiles, comparing the efficiency of different modes of transport, or estimating travel costs, miles per gallon (UK) offer a practical and widely understood unit for expressing fuel economy.

Symbol/abbreviation: MPG[UK]


FUEL-CONSUMPTION's base unit: kilometers per liter (Non-SI/Derived Unit)

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In relation to the base unit (kilometers per liter), 1 Miles Per Gallon UK = 0.354006 kilometers per liter.

Conversion table 1 Miles Per Gallon UK (MPG[UK]) to all fuel-consumption units

1 MPG[UK]= 5279.997167126 feet per gallon UK (ft/gal[UK])
1 MPG[UK]= 4396.4977715649 feet per gallon US (ft/gal[US])
1 MPG[UK]= 1.6093449531525 kilometers per gallon US (km/gal)
1 MPG[UK]= 0.354006 kilometers per liter (km/L)
1 MPG[UK]= 0.0354006 liters per 10 kilometers (L/10km)
1 MPG[UK]= 0.00354006 liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km)
1 MPG[UK]= 10024.33351559 meters per cubic foot (m/ft3)
1 MPG[UK]= 5.8011193676428 meters per cubic inch (m/in3)
1 MPG[UK]= 354006 meters per cubic meter (m/m3)
1 MPG[UK]= 270656.92827942 meters per cubic yard (m/yd3)
1 MPG[UK]= 1609.3464164009 meters per gallon UK (m/gal[UK])
1 MPG[UK]= 1340.0582423352 meters per gallon US (m/gal[US])
1 MPG[UK]= 354.006 meters per liter (m/L)
1 MPG[UK]= 402.33660410022 meters per quart UK (m/qr[UK])
1 MPG[UK]= 402.33660410022 meters per quart US (m/qr[US])
1 MPG[UK]= 1 miles per gallon UK (MPG[UK])
1 MPG[UK]= 0.83267316485708 miles per gallon US (MPG[US])
1 MPG[UK]= 0.21996913027917 miles per liter (mi/L)
1 MPG[UK]= 0.86897801081049 nautical miles per gallon US (nmi/gal[US])
1 MPG[UK]= 0.19114794816415 nautical miles per liter (nmi/gal)