
The kilogram (SI unit symbol: kg) is the base unit of mass in the Metric system and is defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype of the Kilogram (IPK, also known as "Le Grand K" or "Big K"). The avoirdupois (or international) pound, used in both the imperial and US customary systems, is defined as exactly 0.45359237 kg, making one kilogram approximately equal to 2.2046 avoirdupois pounds. Other traditional units of weight and mass around the world are also defined in terms of the kilogram, making the IPK the primary standard for virtually all units of mass on Earth.

Symbol/abbreviation: kg


MASS-WEIGHT's base unit: kilograms (SI Unit)

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In relation to the base unit (kilograms), 1 Kilograms = 1 kilograms.

Conversion table 1 Kilograms (kg) to all mass-weight units

1 kg= 6.0221366553018E+26 atomic mass unit (u)
1 kg= 1.0E+21 attograms (ag)
1 kg= 0.0057101743887258 blobs (blob)
1 kg= 0.001 british tonnes (t [British])
1 kg= 5000 carats (ct)
1 kg= 4873.3655950136 carats troy (ct [troy])
1 kg= 100000 centigrams (cg)
1 kg= 0.31494608883554 cloves UK (clove)
1 kg= 6.0221736433548E+26 daltons (Da)
1 kg= 100 decagrams (da g)
1 kg= 10000 decigrams (dg)
1 kg= 100 dekagrams (dag)
1 kg= 2.9908008955029E+26 deuteron mass (D)
1 kg= 564.38339119329 drams (dr)
1 kg= 257.20597254902 drams apothecaries (dr [apothecaries])
1 kg= 564.38339119329 drams avoirdupois (dr [avoirdupois])
1 kg= 257.20597254902 drams troy (dr [troy])
1 kg= 1.673360107095E-25 earth mass (M∅)
1 kg= 1.0977683830013E+30 electron mass (me)
1 kg= 1.0E-15 exagrams (Eg)
1 kg= 1.0E+18 femtograms (fg)
1 kg= 1.0E-6 gigagrams (Gg)
1 kg= 15432.360734519 grains (gr)
1 kg= 1000 grams (g)
1 kg= 10 hectograms (hg)
1 kg= 0.019684130552221 hundredweight UK (cwt UK)
1 kg= 0.022046226218488 hundredweight US (cwt US)
1 kg= 0.10197162129779 hyl (hyl)
1 kg= 0.00098420353329068 imperial tons (t [Imperial])
1 kg= 5.2631578947368E-28 jupiter mass (Jup)
1 kg= 1 kilograms (kg)
1 kg= 0.0022046226218488 kilopounds (kip)
1 kg= 0.00098420353329068 long tons UK (t [UK])
1 kg= 0.001 megagrams (Mg)
1 kg= 0.001 metric tons (t [Metric])
1 kg= 1000000000 micrograms (μg)
1 kg= 1000000 milligrams (mg)
1 kg= 5.3091724927313E+27 muon mass (mu)
1 kg= 100000000000 nanograms (ng)
1 kg= 5.9704037533301E+26 neutron mass (n0)
1 kg= 9.80665 newtons[Earth gravity] (N)
1 kg= 35.27399072294 ounces (oz)
1 kg= 643.01494791129 pennyweights (pwt)
1 kg= 1.0E-12 petagrams (Pg)
1 kg= 1.0E+15 picograms (pg)
1 kg= 45940892.468882 planck mass (mp)
1 kg= 2.2046244201838 pounds (lbs)
1 kg= 5.9786332055193E+26 proton mass (p+)
1 kg= 0.078736522208885 quarters UK (1/4[UK])
1 kg= 0.088184904873951 quarters US (1/4[US])
1 kg= 0.01 quintals (q)
1 kg= 0.0060566555545296 sacks (sack)
1 kg= 771.61791764707 scruples (℈)
1 kg= 0.0011023113109244 short tons US (t)
1 kg= 0.0057101471548134 slinches (sln)
1 kg= 0.068521765857761 slugs (slug)
1 kg= 5.0000000025E-31 solar mass (Mo)
1 kg= 0.15747312327469 stones (st)
1 kg= 0.15747304441777 stones UK (st [UK])
1 kg= 0.1763698097479 stones US (st [US])
1 kg= 5.0000000025E-31 sun mass (M☉)
1 kg= 1.0E-9 teragrams (Tg)
1 kg= 0.078736522208885 tods (tod)
1 kg= 0.001 tonnes UK (t [tonnes-UK])
1 kg= 0.00098420353329068 tons IMPERIAL (t [IMPERIAL])
1 kg= 0.00098420353329068 tons LONG UK (t [LONG UK])
1 kg= 0.001 tons METRIC (t [METRIC])
1 kg= 0.0011023113109244 tons SHORT US (t [SHORT-US])