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Unit Conversion

Unit conversion involves converting measurements from one unit to another, facilitating comparisons across different metrics like length, temperature, mass, and volume. This process employs specific conversion factors to maintain accuracy.

Take length, for instance, a fundamental physical quantity. The meter serves as a standardized unit representing a precise length. When we express a measurement as "10 meters" (or "10 m"), it signifies ten times the established length unit, the meter.

The International System of Units (SI), recognized as the most prevalent measurement system, offers a coherent framework consisting of seven base units. Explore these fundamental units below:

Unit SI base Symbol
Length meter m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s
Temperature kelvin K
Electric current ampere A
Amount of substance mole mol
luminous intensity candela cd
Unit Derived SI base Symbol
Angle radian rad
Angle [Solid] steradian sr
Frequency hertz Hz
Force Newton N
Pressure, stress pascal Pa
Energy, power joule J
Power, radiant flux watt W
Electric charge coulumb C
Voltage volt V
Capacitance farad F
Electric resistance ohm Ω
electrical conductance siemens S
magnetic flux weber Wb
magnetic flux density tesla T
inductance henry H
magnetic flux density tesla T
luminous flux lumen lm
illuminance lux lx
radioactivity becquerel Bq
absorbed dose gray Gy
equivalent dose sievert Sv
catalytic activity katal kat

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